+ 34 977 317 111 adiveter@adiveter.com

Digestive efficiency

Improving diet energy to get the maximum feed profitability.

Of all nutrients, fats are macronutrients  and the main source of energy for animals, as well as playing a relevant role in other important functions such as structuring cell membranes, providing the animal with essential fatty acids, transporting fat-soluble vitamins and bringing palatability to feed.

The ability of solubilized fats to form micelles determines their digestibility and energy use, influencing the final energy performance of the animal and, therefore, its productivity.


Adiveter, in the search for maximum use of the formulated diet


At Adiveter we have analysed all factors involved in nutrient efficiency to develop innovative lysolecithins-based products.

The use of lysolecithins in diets:


Increase the metabolizable energy of diets


Increase the digestibility of fats


Produce a greater feed usage

Complete solutions to maintain the maximum vitality of animals and the maximum performance, facing the challenges and market trends.


Dosing equipment

Design and installation of precise dosing equipment for the dosage of high viscosity liquids, as well as its preventive and corrective maintenance.


Maximum use of the diet formulated.

Digestive efficiency

Improving diet energy to get the maximum feed profitability.

Of all nutrients, fats are macronutrients  and the main source of energy for animals, as well as playing a relevant role in other important functions such as structuring cell membranes, providing the animal with essential fatty acids, transporting fat-soluble vitamins and bringing palatability to feed.

The ability of solubilized fats to form micelles determines their digestibility and energy use, influencing the final energy performance of the animal and, therefore, its productivity.


Adiveter, in the search for maximum use of the formulated diet


At Adiveter we have analysed all factors involved in nutrient efficiency to develop innovative lysolecithins-based products.

The use of lysolecithins in diets:


Aumentan la energía metabolizable de las dietas


Incrementan la digestibilidad de las grasas


Producen un mayor aprovechamiento del alimento

Soluciones completas para mantener la máxima vitalidad de los animales y el máximo rendimiento productivo, haciendo frente a los retos y tendencias del mercado.


Dosing equipment

Design and installation of precise dosing equipment for the dosage of high viscosity liquids, as well as its preventive and corrective maintenance.


Maximum use of the diet formulated.

Much more than products.

Your challenge. Our innovation.


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