+ 34 977 317 111 adiveter@adiveter.com


Stabilized formaldehyde, the most effective active substance against bacteria and viruses

Differences in feed mills require plant-specific feed safety programs. Our years of experience, a specialized team and a holistic approach on the solutions we offer achieve the formula of success adapted to each customer. The inclusion of additives and complementary services to feed and mills in order to reduce pathogen numbers should accompany a good biosecurity program to guarantee its effectiveness.

Formaldehyde is the most effective active substance for pathogen control.

Salmocid-F is an exclusive stabilized formula of formaldehyde that acts synergistically with other active substances enhancing its effects for microbiological control and stability of raw materials and feed, keeping them free of pathogens.

More than 25 years back  our leadership in food safety. . Formaldehyde is  the most effective active substance for pathogen control.

Very high efficacy against main feed contaminant pathogens. Most effective active substance for the maximum pathogen control (Salmonella, E.coli, Clostridium) and virus

Very low corrosivity, it does not damage the facilities

Low volatility thanks to the use of stabilizing terpenes enhancing its lasting action and its effects

High homogeneity and distribution in feed

Control of intestinal dysbiosis

Automatic and watertight dosing safely for workers

Maximum efficacy even at low doses


Stabilized formaldehyde, the most effective active substance against bacteria and viruses

Las diferencias en las fábricas de pienso requieren de programas de seguridad alimentaria específicos para cada planta. Nuestros años de experiencia, un equipo especializado y un enfoque integral en las soluciones que ofrecemos logran la fórmula de éxito adaptada a los problemas de cada uno de nuestros clientes teniendo en cuenta las características específicas de cada uno ellos. La reducción del control de patógenos en el alimento a través de la adición de aditivos debe acompañar un buen programa de bioseguridad tanto en las fábricas como en los piensos para garantizar su eficacia.

Formaldehyde is the most effective active substance for pathogen control.

Salmocid-F is an exclusive stabilized formula of formaldehyde that acts synergistically with other active substances enhancing its effects for microbiological control and stability of raw materials and feed, keeping them free of pathogens.

More than 25 years back  our leadership in food safety. . Formaldehyde is  the most effective active substance for pathogen control.

Very high efficacy against main feed contaminant pathogens. Most effective active substance for the maximum pathogen control (Salmonella, E.coli, Clostridium) and virus

Very low corrosivity, it does not damage the facilities

Low volatility thanks to the use of stabilizing terpenes enhancing its lasting action and its effects

High homogeneity and distribution in feed

Control of intestinal dysbiosis

Automatic and watertight dosing safely for workers

Maximum efficacy even at low doses

Much more than products.

Your challenge. Our innovation.


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